Watched this because I find personality disorders facilitating. Firstly, I would have rather seen a detached (emotionally) analysis of Paris. Instead it was an hour long episode of two "professionals" in the field and piers Morgan. A woman who was described as a doctor in criminology and a profiler from the FBI (who you'd think would have projected his own feelings less). So for the full hour, we got Piers Morgan asking questions to someone who (probably for legal reasons) isn't going to be able to give much information, and two "professionals" who brought their own stereotypical idea of what a "psychopath" is and projected it onto everything Paris did. I wanted to hear from the psychiatrist who diagnosed him because I assume that person has spent years with him getting to actual understand how the personality disorder manifests in him. It's a personality disorder, everyone with a Certain personality disorder will share traits associated with it but at the end of the day, every personality disorder will manifest differently in every person. So I expected actual analysis, actual understanding of Paris as a psychopath. And instead it was just Piers Morgan asking pointless questions, we don't really know where this rage in Paris came from, we don't really know whether he was born a psychopath or became one (experts also don't know whether they're made or become based on their environments but if theyd done the work, we maybe could have had an idea if he had a tough environment growing up from his pov. It just made me angry watching it because it needed to be an unattached analysis of him and instead I have no idea what it was? It's not worth watching and provides 0 educational benefit.