Longtime crime boss Ged Brennan(Scot Williams) is done with the criminal underworld when he feels his luck is running out. But to fund a legitimate business, he has to rely on his crew in order to successfully pull off one final robbery. But one of his crew member and butt buddy has a business of there own, which is getting into the illegal drug business which Ged won't even touch with a 100 ft pole. So when one of his trusted crew member goes to a rival heist group in order to get in, it really jeopardizes Ged's final heist. With betrayal all around Ged, he must use his wits and everything he learned and with the help of his former adversary Franner(Stephen Graham) to get everything on track. This is a good crime movie, but at times it felt way longer than it should have been. This film is about 123 mins, but they could have easily cut 20 or maybe 30 min and it would have been a fast paced and better. Sometimes the slow pace makes a movie better, but this isn't the case for "The Crew" and it felt that it started to drag in sometimes and incoherent. The plot was creative, but not original but I just didn't care about any of the characters except maybe Ged. But this is cause everyone else besides Ged, is annoyingly retarded so you don't care what happens to them. I mean in movies like this you know who the bad guys are, but for instance in Guy Ritchie's movies, he actually makes them funny and likable, but this isn't the case for "The Crew". This movie may please audiences that enjoy crime/drama movies, but it just didn't have anything that really got my attention.