This is an amazing show with a lovely cast and fun recurring guests who often engage with the community that is in return incredibly supportive of the show. They watch videos and criticize them in depth while also going into tangents about other subjects and jokes, all to have a good laugh amidst witnessing terrible arguments and discussing them from different perspectives, usually made by people who like The Last Jedi or Captain Marvel. At the end of each episode, plenty a memes and superchats. They often guest the people who made the videos they criticized and polite debates take place while everyone is always a good sport. That's when the people that are invited decide to accept the invitation anyway, otherwise they take the Jack Saint/Eric Taxxon/JustWrite route and be passive aggressive on Twitter while blocking and demonizing any dissent with a toxic horde of their fans slinging insults to anyone who objects to their assessments. Said assessments are usually limited to "their videos are too long therefore they're bad" and "they're a bunch of nazis/alt righters/incels/misogynists", and since none of those things are true, it's fairly tough for any EFAP watcher to just shut up and nod. The people who call this podcast a circlejerk probably never watched any of it and are just hell bent on demonizing everyone associated with it to any degree for tangentially hearing about it from someone who heard it from someone else in what is ironically their own circlejerk, where every dissident is just outcast. Watch the first 3-4 episodes to see for yourself, or you can just listen to them in the car or while you're doing something else. It's alright if you don't like it or it's too long to be accessible for your free time, but don't buy into the dishonest slander campaigns on social media. Free speech reigns supreme on EFAP and its community. Praise The Don!