This is a great miniseries, comprised of 15-20 min long episodes.
Each episode is shot in one take, and this is a great achievement by itself. They are by no means static episodes - they don't take place inside a room, with people sitting down and talking. These are fast, action-packed episodes, where we follow people in different situations after the collapse of our economy and society. Thus, the planning and shooting of the series deserves the greatest credit.
What we take for granted every day in our civilized societies, the flow of goods and services, the civility of people themselves, depend on a great deal of interdependence and abundance of resources. Our global economy acts with the notion that we should grow and expand infinitely, buy more, consume more, and exploit the resources, the people and the world in the process.
We think this can never change. Actually, we don't think about it at all. We continue our roles assigned to us in our everyday lives.
The truth is that it all hangs by a thin thread. It can all change very easily and quickly.
We saw the prequel in the first days of Covid-19, when the supermarkets were depleted of goods, and people were actually fighting over the last items of food or toilet paper.
We depend on the cogs of the machine working perfectly, to survive.
This series gives an enlightening glimpse of how events may unfold when the system stops functioning one day. Recommended.