Even within the LGBTQ community Troy Perry remains a controversial figure. Not
for his outspoken advocacy for gay rights for the past half a century, but for planting a flag where a lot of LGBTQ people feel should be left alone.
No doubt about it, religion has been the enemy of gays getting true legal, social,
economic and political equality. Their bible prophesies bad things on Judgment
Day and many believers on earth figure to score points for best digs in heaven by
going out of their way to treat us badly on earth.
Lots of LGBTQ folks have figured religion just ain't for us and Pentecostal type
services FUHGEDDABOUTIT. Still there is a spiritual hunger in all of us and
Perry seeks to take care of that side of humankind.
After a life of torment about these strange feelings he had which did not go
with the religious upbringing he had which included a suicide attempt and a
marriage that broke up Perry reached a moment where he said to himself that
his mission in life was to evangelize amongst the gays.
Thus the Metropolitan Community Church was born, a Protestant denomination that preaches specifically towards LGBTQ folks. It's not gotten
acceptance among a lot of Protestant denominations and lots of gay people
attack anyone with a kind word for religion.
The church was first founded in the Los Angeles area. The film is Perry's
journey of religious and civil rights activism from a southern California point of
view. We see the demonstrations, the first pride parade in Los Angeles, the
fight against the Briggs initiative, Anita Bryant who sought to revive a dormant
career through homophobia. the crisis around AIDS and eventually the right
to have same sex marriages including one for Troy Perry himself.
12 years after this film was made Troy Perry is still with us. The Metropolitan
Community Church isn't quite what it used to be as many mainline churches
are open and affirming.toward LGBTQ people.
Still Perry's contribution is important and this film demonstrates just how