While working in their village, a raped woman and her friend trying to help her cope with the situation find that the worse she gets it enables her to connect to a powerful legendary ghost figure who begins to kill off residents one-by-one and forces them to stop it.
This was an overall enjoyable and creepy effort which has a lot to like. One of the best aspects here is the fact that there's quite an effective and enjoyable atmosphere present here which makes the film far more suspenseful than it really should be. The early scenes in the forest where the villagers are out confronting the ghost who begins to wipe them out one-by-one while everyone continues searching works incredibly well due to the pitchforks illuminating the scene are rather enjoyable in setting this off on a great note, the funeral march through the forest where they carry the body along is rather eerie and the later trek through the forest encountering the different elements within the area makes for a rather nice time throughout here. With these all done concurrently to the other tribe members' requests for the local tyranny to end as she experiences her visions connecting her to the creature all manage to make a somewhat decent start to this one. That all come to pass here in the later half where this one works in plenty of impressive and creepy set-pieces to really bring this kind of action to a greater whole, from the ghost appearing in the forest and tormenting the lone man by dancing around to entice him only to then learn the truth and get chased back into the village or a later attempt to track down a violator and continually reappears in the forest to block his escape which is a lot of fun to see play out. The finale, which deals with the possession and their efforts to cleanse if of her while still being in such a rage that it carries out some really freaky happenings in the control of the villagers' bodies to carry out her plans, there's a nice series of wild and crazy action to occur which is what's needed in this segment of the film. Due to the vast majority of these scenes taking place in the middle of the forest with the villagers out looking for her by pitchfork, it's able to make that atmosphere come alive with the freaky-looking ghost taking advantage of the story about the true local legend effectively to capture an effective and eerie main villain within a creepy space for the action to take place, and overall there's a lot to like about this section. Even the frenetic finale, from the battle at the house to the encounter with the last tormentor while the house is being burnt down and him finally getting her to end her rampage this one really has quite a lot to like. While there's a lot of great elements present here, this one still has a few flaws to it. The biggest issue here is the fact that there's just not a whole lot of action to start this one off with as it focuses so much on the relationship woes between her and her husband following the incident which is traumatic enough but doesn't provide this with any kind of any real horror for long stretches of time as they just sit around complaining about what happened but nothing much else happens. Likewise, some of the effects are a little dodgy, but otherwise, there's not much else wrong here.
Rated Unrated/R: Violence, Language and Rape.