Oak Hill follows the lives of three very different women who find themselves living together in a voluntary self-help sanctuary. The women are Molly (Rosemary Gore), an immature, slightly slow self proclaimed comedian; Elizabeth St. James (Sally Kirkland), an alcoholic aging movie star; and Madison (Jeannie Evans), a dancer who aspires to do big things with her life, but finds herself doing questionable things for money and making mistake after mistake when it comes to men.
Each have come to the shelter for different reasons, but find themselves drawn together. The shelter requires that they must help around the facility in order to stay there and promote a positive environment. This is sometimes hard to do when their personalities clash and people like Ms. St. James think that they should be waited on hand and foot.
They go through struggles both internally and externally throughout the film. With such different personalities, it is hard to imagine that three women from different backgrounds and different dreams can end up in the same place, striving to become better versions of themselves.
My two biggest beefs with this film were the acting and the background music. Evans acting did not seem at the same level as the others, but I felt that Kirkland and Gore might have OVERacted in a few of the scenes. And the music was distracting as it was a bit obnoxious and did not flow with the movie itself. In terms of plot, it was a good concept and was decently written. The beginning was a little slow and the characters were not instantly likable, but the end result was okay.