Sometimes, I think TD is one of the greatest shows on television. Other times, it's a major letdown and I hate it. I'll try to review each season separately without spoiling anything.
Island: this was the only season that every fan can agree is good. If you don't like this season, you probably wouldn't like the show. It does start out painfully slow, but once it gets going, it really gets interesting. Some of the best moments of the series here.
Action: I think this season was a major letdown. It felt kind of like a rehash, and the plot developments that did happen felt either forced or OOC. No new characters and very few new interactions were introduced.
World Tour: I think the first half did pretty well, but the second half had too much drama and not enough comedy. And there was a certain character who fans drew a certain conclusion about at the end, but I personally don't see it. (Remember, this review is spoiler free.) The songs were kind of hit or miss, but there were a few standouts on both ends of the spectrum.
Revenge of the Island: It was the most exaggerated and comical of the seasons. A lot of people hate this season, but I don't think it was that bad. A lot of your opinion of this season will depend on your opinion of the new cast.
All Stars: Again, I liked the first half better than the second half. As the season went on, one storyline took over the entire show and crowded out other potentially interesting story lines. I did like how well they brought together elements of all four previous seasons, though.
Pahkitew Island: I might have given up on Total Drama if this season was not good. The characters were pretty weird, but somehow they made them work. But all Total Drama seasons had problems with the ending, and this one was the worst offender.
Ridonculous Race: I really hope we see more of this in the future. Its quality was reminiscent of Island. A lot of fresh, original ideas were brought to the table here.