The long-awaited sequel to Storm Riders is finally here. The Pang Brothers take the directing chair and turn the sequel into an action-packed filled with CGI effects. The CGI is touted as the best CGI in Chinese movies but it cannot be compared with big budget Hollywood movies. The special effects are incredible as not seen in Chinese movies.
The story: The action starts straight from the first scene. It shows Cloud and Wind not being able to defeat the powerful warlord and flee the scene. They then are trained in different ways. Cloud is taught by Nameless and Wind takes the evil way. With its fast pace, it brings you from one action scene to another without much drag. The special effects increasingly get better and by the time it comes to the last battle, the special effects are at best. With its epic score, it manages to suck me into the fantasy world. Yes, there is a downside since this is a non-stop action movie, its story is kept simple and there are even not much characters' developments.
Overall: If you are willing to watch a heavy CGI movie with no story and just be awed at the action scenes combined with CGI, you would probably enjoy this movie. If you are concerned about characters' developments, it is not for you. This movie is only for the fans or someone who wants to watch non-stop action filled with CGI with no story. There should be a part three and hopefully, every thing is in it with be amazing even its story.