..never seem to be touched by justice. How obvious it was from the beginning to me that the minority and way less privileged would be imprisoned and the dealer that is making 800% profit roams free.
Anne Freedman loved the attention and status she got from those paintings, and did everything to keep the illusion alive. That was were she became a criminal. A conniving one. It's written all over her ugly face.
All those pictures of here in those artsy circle jerk super 'elite' gatherings, prancing around in a fur coat are just nauseating.
So many unlikeable people in one documentary. I'd rather be with the homeless and unprivileged then spend a day with these utterly poisonous, backstabbing, conniving, disgusting animals. ESPECIALLY the likes of an Anne Freedman. And that disgusting Sotheby couple.
There are people rotting in prison for stealing something worth less than a thousand bucks. Or for dealing a bit of marihuana.
Here we have a dealer of fake goods- knowingly- making millions of profit...and she roams free. No guilt, no remorse.
This is not just the privilege of being rich, this is the result of a combination of privileges and the profit of being covered by your own 'kind'.
Good documentary. Naaaaasty people.