I have loved and used psychedelics for 30 years. I have never been a "major tripper", the title reserved for those people that do "heroic" doses of psychotropic substances. This was a fun first step that America and the UK needs to bring a mature, responsible attitude towards a subject that has had major effects on human consciousness for 10,000 years. Including psychedelics in the failed "war on drugs" has not benefitted anyone.
Sting is incorrect that peyote, or any hallucinogen, contains strychnine. This is an old myth that has been kicked around for 50 years. It is refreshing in our celebrity worshipping culture to realize that "stars" are just as misinformed, fearful, fun, cowardly, silly, inspiring, incorrect, woo woo, and adventurous as any segment of the population.
Rosie Perez was very candid and remembers the joy, intelligence, and wonder that psychonauts seek. Ben Stiller is a dud, and leaves a cynical taste for the audience and for commercial comedy. There are many gems here, and for virgins seeking the "experience", this flick can have a comforting and positive influence.