Poor acting, really bad story. Boring... it's taken them 5 episodes to get exactly nowhere with the plot so far. Also.. the characters in this show are Stupid... and I do mean stupid with a capital S... characters. Seriously... Nobody is this clueless.
The entire theory of the show seems to be that the bad guys are bad guys because everyone on the planet is so dumb that they haven't noticed the idiotic stunts they've pulled. The show also seems bent on portraying the kids as mentally challenged too. Sure one of them has some tech savvy but, seriously... some of the 'mistakes' they made are 3rd grader nonsense, not high school.
Not believable at all. And I'm pretty forgiving of most marvel titles. I've liked a lot of them just fine. This one is just... awful.
Not sure how the critics are rating this so high. It's absolutely NOT that great a show... it's not even that good a show... it's borderline awful.
Watch it if you have some time to kill and nothing else decent is on... that's about the only advice I can give.