The story revolves around D'Artagnan who joins the Musketeers of the Guard and shows enough bravery when he clashes with the three musketeers - Athos, Porthos and Aramis, who take him under their wing. When Athos is falsely accused of murder, the other trio ensure to save Athos and time, while unraveling the larger conspiracy to harm the King and the Queen as well as instigating wide unrest planned by the baddie Milady and others. How D'Artagnan and three musketeers become a big hurdle to Milady and will they be able to save their King on time forms rest of the story, building up for a sequel.
Straight up, this was definitely a good watch and even if the action set pieces mostly with the sword didn't stand out but the story as well as the characters instantly connects. To simply put, the production is top notch. Be with the setting and the costumes, the era is set solidly and the director wastes no time in kickstarting with the action right from the introduction scene of D'Artagnan. It kept throwing enough entertaining scenes throughout, made memorable by the actor especially the multiple duel scene with the trio or even the flirting between the main lead and Constance. It definitely was an easy watch and to keep more of Eva Green to the sequel alone is worth waiting for it.