My mother had five sisters. Despite their age gap they grew up to have such deep bond among them that they used to say 'whoever among us is to die last, will be the unluckiest one.' As a kid I never really comprehend the meaning of it.
After the death of my first aunt, I saw my mother and other aunts mourn for months, years. Their eyes would fill with tears just thinking about our late aunt. As a teenager it was still beyond my comprehension.
During Covid two of my aunts died in two days. I was in the hospital and witnessed their departure. I was an young adult and to watch them go just like that, something changed inside me. I truly felt their loss and the loss of every relative that I'd lost prior. Every bit grief that I should've felt before engulfed me. I was drowned in sorrow. I felt what my mother and the other aunts felt. I experienced actual grief. They say grief is the heaviest emotion. I can firmly confirm that.
This movie showed grief almost exactly like that. I'm saying almost because grief is different for every person. What the sisters in the movie experienced is different from what my mother and aunts did but it was similar. This movie reminded me of that emotion that was outpouring through my tears in the lobby of the hospital. And I appreciate it.