Movies like these are rare. They are special – Unique in their own ways. Norwegian Wood is the kind of film that ends better than it starts. If you can get through the first 30 minutes, the film will grow onto you and engage you and eventually immerse into your world. Based on a 1987 award winning novel about the 60s changing social situation in Japan, the film explores the complicated notions of unrequited love, the era of sexual freedom and the loss of innocence. Director Anh Hung Tran paints a beautiful, slow and lingering picture which allows the film to grow onto the audience. At times the film feels like something from Wong Kar Wai and the Beatles title song is fitting. The film ends on a lighter tone and there is one quote that I find worthy to share about loss: "All we can do is see it through to the end and learn something from it, but what we learn will be no help in facing the next sorrow that comes to us without warning". I am delighted to have gone through this cinematic journey and despite its opening flaws; Norwegian Wood eventually wins the audience's heart
Neo rates it 9/10.