The game of Watchmen: the end is nigh is a great download from xbox live for the xbox360. The game is worth the money for the download let's just say that. Almost as violent as the film, the games centres around two of the watchmen Rorschach and Nite Owl II fighting all comers who dare to try to stop them or destroy them. The violence is satisfying for fans of the film as Blood and bone are spreaded throughout the game and like Mortal Kombat, the two characters have their own unique finishing moves which while not quite graphic are actually fairly gruesome and awe-inspiring for a small half of the game then they become "just another move". Although a little repetitive, Watchmen is a fun and action packed game with some nice graphic comic touches to the storyline. The storyline reads just like the graphic comic that it comes from and the games plays like an updated Streets of Rage (which I love) with some gore thrown in for good measure. The game has plenty of replay value as you will love to deal out your own brand of justice to the villains and yobbos who are trying to seriously kick your butt and they also have a nasty habit of surrounding you and surprising you when you least expect it. But that just adds to the freshness of the gameplay which doesn't stay fresh for long but then become annoying but you can choose to rise above it and not let it get you down. I did and I persevered with it. All in all Watchmen: the end is nigh is a good beat'em up for the more mature gamers that will keep you button bashing for a least a year maybe more.