The Resident (2011)
** (out of 4)
Really disappointing film from Hammer about an ER doctor (Hilary Swank) who moves into a lavished apartment in Brooklyn and soon discovers that her kind-hearted landlord (Jeffrey Dean MOrgan) is actually obsessed with her. THE RESIDENT has some nice performances, good direction and a few clever moments but in the end it's really a misfire as there's no energy in anything we're seeing and what we are seeing is something that has already been done to death and this film adds nothing new to the mix. What we've basically got here is a "psycho from hell" movie but it never works because there's never any tension going on. The entire film seems to run twice as long as it actually does and I think the main reason for this is that everything we're watching we've seen in much better movies. The only real difference is that the psycho has pretty much build the apartment so that there are many different areas where he can sneak into it or simply spy on his victim. This gives us some pretty silly moments including one where the landlord likes to hide under the bed until the victim falls asleep and then he sucks on her fingers! We also get a scene where he uses her toothbrush. Yeah, that's scary. Both Swank and Morgan do a very good job in their roles and there's no question that they have some nice chemistry during the early portion of the film. It's just the screenplay really gives neither one any place to go and the majority of the time we just see Swank taking her clothes off (including some nude scenes) and Morgan watching her. Christopher Lee has a supporting part here and it was nice to see him. THE RESIDENT has a clever idea here and there but sadly the majority of what we're watching is just downright boring and just leads to one predictable scene after another.