The first episode was a drag. Histrionics, but muted. Plot development, but grindingly slow. Family situation, not credible.
As the series progressed, things perked up but there were so many impossibilities and scenes that just didn't make sense. A deeply mentally-challenged guy suddenly manages to plan ahead. A main character breaks into a sealed crime scene for no reason and smashes it up, again for no reason (I nearly switched off here, it was so ridiculous). Perps have utter contempt for Polish CSI guys by the way they falsify where dirty deeds were carried out expecting (rightly) that forensics won't notice the actual crime was committed elsewhere. An overweight character manages to subdue and do huge physical harm to a tall, fit, muscular guy half his age.
Not much of it makes sense.
As for the twist, it didn't take a genius to work out that one of the brothers was reckless but not totally evil, leading to a rounded conclusion that I saw coming a mile off.
Yep, I watched it all, but to compare this to some of the early Scandi noir series is a travesty.