The NRS era of Mortal Kombat marks a significant shift after the chaotic mess that was Armageddon. Following the nonsensical storylines, the decision to reset the timeline was a smart move that gave the series a fresh start. While the stories in this era still have their weak points, they don't reach the level of disarray seen in Armageddon. In terms of narrative, this era is an improvement, though it's still not without its flaws.
But let's get to the real highlight of the NRS era: the sheer amount of sexual appeal. Female characters are presented with an abundance of revealing outfits, turning up the heat in a way that hadn't been seen before. From Kitana to Sonya, and even Kira's cameo appearance-where she wore her alternate, more revealing costume from Deception/Armageddon-the NRS era certainly didn't hold back on showcasing its female fighters. Kira's brief inclusion, before being scrapped and replaced by Skarlet, was a frustrating moment for me, especially since her appearance was one of the more eye-catching cameos.
On the gameplay side, the timeline reset also led to some interesting decisions, like making Kabal a good guy for part of the story, which was an amusing twist. Watching him get pulled back into the darkness by Kano was a fun dynamic, adding some layers to Kabal's character. While the stories may not be as bad as Armageddon, there's still a lot that doesn't quite stick, but overall, the reset was a good call.
Another huge win for this era was the introduction of the best guest character ever: Kratos. His inclusion was a perfect fit for Mortal Kombat's brutal world. The sheer savagery of his fighting style and his incredible Fatality made him feel right at home, and honestly, he's probably the best guest character the series has ever seen.
Unfortunately, the NRS era wasn't without its own missteps. A notable frustration was the lack of creativity when it came to Fatalities. Kira, who was known for her mix of Kano and Sonya's moves in Deception, had her iconic Fatality effectively stolen by Mileena, a move that felt lazy and disappointing for fans who appreciated Kira's original style. This lack of innovation soured an otherwise solid era of Mortal Kombat.
In conclusion, the NRS era breathed new life into the Mortal Kombat franchise, with a solid reset of the timeline, plenty of fanservice, and iconic guest characters like Kratos. However, the series still struggles with creativity, particularly when it comes to Fatalities and storytelling. Still, it was a huge improvement over the shambles of Armageddon.