"Extinction: The G.M.O. Chronicles" isn't exactly a bad movie, but neither is it a really great movie. For a zombie movie, it had an unfortunate tendency of dragging out in long, slow moments, which really weighed heavily on the movie.
Story-wise, then "Extinction: The G.M.O. Chronicles" is fairly average. A small group of survivors come together in the face of a worldwide threat of extinction as the dead return to life to eat the flesh of the living.
It is the visuals and the cinematography that keeps the movie interesting, but it just barely does so. There are times where the movie just drags on forever and ever without really getting anywhere, and you start to get bored and frustrated with the lack of pace in the movie.
The characters in the movie were somewhat one dimensional and you never really got to get properly acquainted with the characters, as they either had too little time to expand or they were just given poor dialogue and script to work with. And as such, then the characters in the movie came off as generic and uninspiring as a whole.
I watch a lot of zombie movies, and most of them are not brandishing million dollar budgets. "Extinction: The G.M.O. Chronicles" is actually a good production, but it is just suffering from a poorly executed story and one dimensional characters.
And also for a German produced movie, why were everyone there speaking English? Sure they had that thick, telltale German accent, but still, it would have had a more meaningful punch to the story if they had spoken in German, the nations native language. And there are actually some better German zombie movies available on the market - if you don't mind non-English language movies.
"Extinction: The G.M.O. Chronicles" had potential, but unfortunately it had things working against it which eventually managed to pull it under water and make the movie less enjoyable. I've seen worse low budget zombie movies, but this movie just ended up being uninspiring, less than interesting and too slow.