You know when you watch something like Debbie Does Dallas and you can clearly see the so-called actors were plucked out of strip clubs and street corners just by their sheer ineptitude to perform the simple, and I mean simple task of acting convincingly... where you look at some of the directing decisions and thing "Surely I could have done better and I 'm not even a movie director!" ?- well, this movie gets you in that gear right off the bat!
Not only does this movie. Scream low-budget, it also screams "low-talent". The line delivery is high school drama-level. The drama between the two D. I. E characters is so forced and stilted while the chemistry is turned to 0 you just can't help asking "Didn't the director, or caster not see this?".
The thing that happens to one of them on the river is so lame you think, "Dude, you even zoomed-in on the area in question and it is clear that no one could get THAT hurt from that situation".
The whole militia plot I equate to something the director's 10 year old suggested, wrote and co-directed... with veto power on the final product.
I watched this "movie" with my wife and I can absolutely guarantee that any positive review of this trd is very likely paid for or by a member of the cast! Don't waste a fraction of your very valuable time sitting down to watch this. Utter garbage.