I liked the cover of this Blu Ray and by getting it extremely cheap I gave my pocket a go. A go for two reasons one already know, the second because Michael Madsen was in it and Jeff Fahey. But what a let down on the part of Madsen. He's just in it for the money, what a bad acting he gave here. On part of Jeff I liked him, he got a kind of look I like. I liked him in Machete (2010) as Michael Booth just before this flick was made.
The story isn't really original but the fact that it's low on gore and also low on red stuff this fails completely. There are killings going on but nothing is shown. All off-camera. Just one shot involves a bit of red stuff when we look in room 5 we do see a girl in blood. But let that be all we do see for a horror geek. Still you want to know how it ends but even that I didn't like. Moving back to Carter (Madsen) and seeing him as a tough guy just didn't work.
People warned me that it looked like Vacancy (2007) and somehow it does or it also looks like a house being invaded. But this time you been trapped without terror.
Gore 0/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 1/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5