The low budget horror film Clown Hotel is an entirely forgettable feature.
To the filmmakers credit...the production quality is competent enough.
However...the real horror lies in how bad the storyline actually is.
It revolves around a young Native American woman who has returned to her cultural homeland- only to find that the "world famous" Clown Motel stands on the burial ground of her people.
We, effectively, watch as she tries to unravel some sort of mystery that revolves around something in the basement of the motel.
Whose owner tries to keep said mystery locked away from prying eyes.
If only because uncovering it will unleash it's evil.
The young woman tries to elicit the help of her mother...but she is invested in a company that has sold out to a group of developers, who seek to build upon their land.
While simultaneously working with a church group who seek to bring forth an ancient spirit to stop them.
In hope they can recoup the cost of their investments, without having to sacrifice their land to the unscrupulous developers.
Thus, releasing an angry and vengeful shaman-like character...who starts to kill them off.
The monster is cool enough...but his presence is hampered by the inclusion of some incredibly out of place rainbow-sparkle CGI effects...which I, personally, found to be totally unnecessary.
Which kind of killed any vibe they had going for them.
And from here it's all down hill.
The whole thing is just poorly developed.
With too many forced angles.
That are introduced in a convoluted manner.
Contrary to what the title might lead you to believe.
It actually has nothing to do with clowns at all.
The clowns are, simply, the d-bags you meet along the way.
An entirely forgettable experience.
But it could have been worse.
2.5 out of 10.