The feeling of being transported that this film offers is of a strength and rarity that in itself already involves you, but through a beautiful combination of abandoning the narrative norms of modern cinema and embracing theater, Bressane offers a massage to the senses.
Be it the discomfort of confusion or the beauty of the captivity that the images and the complexity of a fundamental work of Brazilian culture, Capitu and Chapter is presented with a vast wealth of sensations in which I happily give up understanding and accept to feel this journey with the characters.
It's not one that everyone will probably like, whether due to its dense language, abandonment of structure and execution norms or even its tone rooted in Brazilian culture, the work of Machado de Assis, but it is an experience that everyone should have.
Mariana Ximenes is a force of nature, and her talent and beauty as Capitu is captured in a surreal way.
With fantastic framing, vivid colors and masterful art direction and everyone dedicated to Bressane's vision, Capitu and the Chapter is already one of the most visually stunning films of this decade with a memorable post-credit scene that captures a beautiful smile on the viewer's face in this ocean of sensations of just one hour.