Two years ago, the Mugg Brothers, who have never worked a day in their lives, inherited a brownstone apartment building. In that short time, their slacker ways have run the building into the ground. Tenants are moving out, no one drinks at the bar downstairs, and the building's pets are going missing.
The big draw for this film is, of course, Robert Englund. While he is not a main character, his role is sizable and in my opinion more enjoyable than most of the lower budget horror films he has been in over the last decade. Any Englund fans should be sure to check him out in this one.
For me, personally, the Chicago filming caught my attention. While I live three hours away, this film got plenty of buzz at the conventions and horror events, with John LaFlamboy promoting it at Flashback Weekend (among other places). I had wanted to see it for some time... and now (October 2013) I have.
Definitely a lot of fun, much more comedy than horror. It has "low budget" and "independent" written all over it, but not in a bad way. I would strongly urge people to give this one a try.