At the time of this writing, "Killington" is rated 2.8 with 119 votes and not a single review except one critic review who doesn't rate it or give his opinion. Now, had I known ahead of time it was a 2.8 I wouldn't have given it a chance. But I did, and I have to say while it wasn't that great, it also wasn't that bad, either. So I felt it deserved at least one explanation of opinion.
I don't see the need to spend a lot of time on synopsizing since the description already explains it. But basically, four annoying, spoiled friends from college are spending a bridal party weekend with a pretentious online yoga guru who invited them. The horror trope of wishing death upon the protagonists is established very early. This is a horror movie so there is a killer, and it's pretty easy to figure out, so there's little suspense. The ending is...uh...Well I think I just said, "Huh?" out loud. Things don't start getting particularly interesting until the third act.
HOWEVER, there are good points. The acting-with the exception of Sam Morales, who was rather the weak kink in the group-wasn't bad, and much better in the humorous parts. The music score was serviceable and unobtrusive, the photography mostly attractive, especially in the outdoor segments...although interiors seemed rather darkly lit. It does not look like a low budget film and makes the most of what they spent. It kept my interest throughout and in spite of its shortcomings really didn't deserve the rating it got. Sure it got the obligatory 10s by probable members of the crew and their families, but the majority gave the film a 1, and it's nowhere NEAR the Worst Film Ever.
I think a 5 is fair-not great, not awful-in the middle. But 119 people picking a number and no one bothering to write why doesn't help anyone. So I hope this will encourage others to jump onboard as it can only help the filmmakers.