This film begins with five college students pledging for their sorority and having to endure a hazing ritual in the process. During this time, one of the pledges by the name of "Brianne" (Morgan Alexandria) is called out lying about her mother being a former member of that sorority and as a result she is expelled from the group. Needless to say, she is devasted by this news and her sorrow is amplified by the fact that none of her friends even bother to step forward and defend her. Be that as it may, immediately after she departs, the initiation ceremony proceeds with the other four young ladies being taken to a lake where they are normally required to swim to a certain marker in order to pass the final test and be allowed into the Alpha Beta Omega sorority. However, it's during this time that they are informed by their sorority sister named "Jodi" (Teesha Renee) that this final test has been cancelled as it is too dangerous and all that is required for them to gain entry is to drink from the lake instead. Although this news is greeted with approval by three of the pledges, the fourth one--by the name of "Simona" (Ta'Rhonda Jones)--is quite displeased as she wanted the satisfaction of enduring the full treatment like all of her sorority sisters in the past. So, Jodi relents and lets them swim out to the marker. However, it's during this time that one of them gets into trouble, which then requires Jodi to swim out to save her. Unfortunately, Jodi drowns in the process, and this causes serious repercussions many years later for all concerned. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that, while I don't consider this to be a terribly bad film, several scenes lacked the necessary realism to warrant rating this movie any higher than I have.