Amy (Leena Huff) and Joe (Daniel Bonjour) are new high school graduates in a small Texas town. Very much in love, the couple also have plans to go out of state to college and then onto a big metropolis, like Los Angeles. But, Joe is hesitant. His parents are divorcing, making his dad lonely, and he, the son, already has a great job at a furniture store. On the day the two are to leave, a misunderstanding planted by a young girl, Daisy, with a crush on Joe, breaks up the lovers. Joe stays, Amy goes. Flash forward seven years. Joe is still in his Texas town and the just-appointed manager of the furniture store. He also makes his own unique pieces on the side. More importantly, he is about to walk down the aisle with Daisy, all grown up, and the furniture store owner's daughter. But, oh, the day before the big event, Amy comes back to town. It seems she now runs a furniture design place in LA and she "borrowed" one of Joe's old patterns for a new piece. Therefore, she has returned to make certain this adaptation is okay with Joe. Panic ensues for our Joe. He whisks Amy away when she comes calling, to inform her that he, Joe, is the best man at the wedding of Daisy to assistant store manager, Beau (Jesse Johnson, Don's son). A comedy of errors is born, with Joe doing his best to cover his tracks until he can find out if Amy still cares for him. Joe is certain he STILL loves his former flame. How will it all shake down? This is an okay romcom, marred by crude and politically incorrect situations, at times. Obviously, it is a low budget type affair, with no big stars and no mighty aspirations. That said, it really does have some humor and the Texas setting is quite nice. But, as stated, it contains enough offensive material to damage the final product. Fans of romantic comedy who are desperately seeking something new will find it acceptable. All others will need back-up films to insert in the proverbial machine when this one gets yanked out.