This movie subverted my expectations because it didn't have a lot of the faults I associate with modern low-budget cinema. It was competently filmed and edited. The actors were well directed. They spoke to each other naturally and at times it felt like watching real people. So what's the problem then? Well, I don't want to give spoilers but let's just say that for a viewer to be invested in a film the viewer has to feel like they are watching something that approximates reality. OR if one is watching something that is supposed to be fantasy, one at least has to have a grasp of the rules that apply to that fantastical universe. Otherwise it would be a free for all, right? Anything can happen. Nothing means anything. Does anyone every really want to sit and hear a detailed account of someone else's dream? Probably not... but why? I would argue because there aren't any stakes involved. If your best friend show up at your door and says "A guy just tried to kill me." your reaction is going to be very different than if he/she says "Last night I dreamed that a guy tried to kill me." It is for that reason that I argue that this movie was dead in the water (heh heh) from concept. There is smart writing, funny writing and scary writing in this movie but the fabric that holds it all together is a massive dud. You can try to flesh out realistic characters with unique backstories all day long but if the promised entertaining events that happen to them don't make sense... can't make sense... DON'T HAVE ANY MEANINGFUL STAKES WHATSOEVER... well, you get it. It's an unfortunate dud.