I've seen a lot of bad movies, but this is a special kind of bad. It's a romantic comedy that is neither comedic nor romantic. It's a collection of rough draft notes someone managed to stretch into an hour and a half long dumpster fire.
To kick off this wreck of a film, we introduce our main guy: Conrad. Conrad has no personality to speak of. He has no history either. He is a completely blank piece of paper who everyone is mean to for no reason, and he offers about as much to the plot as your average living room sofa. Outside of him having OCD (which is not plot relevant AT ALL and somehow doesn't seem to add any nuance to his character), Conrad has nothing discernible interesting about him.
And yet here he is, pursuing Molly - a woman he was weirdly hostile to once in a coffee shop while on an errand for his boss and now we have the setup for our movie. Molly is your average romance movie girl. She's blonde and a woman, but other than that she feels more like a doll than a person. Even her additional personalities are boring, one-dimensional cardboard cutouts with no depth to speak of.
And this is all without touching on the fact that the acting is abysmal. It's not even so bad it's funny. It's just plain painful to watch. Not a single line is delivered with any amount of believability. Honestly this feels like a deep learning program's first attempt at generating human interaction. It's awkward and disjointed and it's only made worse by the fact that NONE of these characters have chemistry. I'm not even sure Conrad and Molly would make good friends, let alone romantic partners.
All in all, it's terrible. Bad acting, bad setup, and a bad premise that does a major disservice to OCD and DID. Don't waste your time or money.