Fallen is a movie based on a book by Lauren Kate. It should be the first movie in the series but since there were a lot of distribution problems, I doubt this will become a franchise. The book could have been better, but it was decent. Flawed, but decent. This is just kinda lame.
I like how it tried to keep the moody and Gothic atmosphere, but it all just felt amateurish and low budget, I couldn't take it very seriously. The first two thirds are a bit slow paced and then the last third feels so rushed, you don't really get to know anything. You just get a lot of exposition, things just happen but nothing interesting, so the climax just comes off as forced. The one plus of the movie is Lola Kirke as the geeky best friend Penn. She seems to be the only one who actually got into this and tried to make something good. She stole every scene she was in. She's the most memorable character of the movie and she's not even one of the leads. The lead actress is pretty much Kristen Stewart in Twilight. There's really not much difference. The rest of the characters, they are just there. Even that is hard to believe because you just don't notice them.
This was the opportunity to improve the story, but it just made the whole thing worse. I'm not even sure if fans will like this.