In its favour this film does open with a hook . A man stand in the middle of the street , sirens are blaring over the soundtrack and emergency vehicles are crashing in to each other and a helicopter crashes . Worst of all clothes fall from the sky , yes clothes including a cheap pair of denim jeans and it's not everyday a clothes are used as iconography for impending disaster . I can guarantee this is the greatest film I have ever seen where the stunt crew involves a pair of Wranglers . Now that's not to say JC ( Oh check those initials) is a great film because it's not . It is however a completely deranged one made for religious maniacs involving religious maniacs and because of this it gives a secular audience much entertainment though one suspects this wasn't the aim of the producers
The plot is low grade Tom Clancy type thriller where a bunch of terrorists sneak in to America with some nuclear missiles and it's up to some Bible basher feds to stop them . Okay you've seen it all before and this might have rendered the movie a little bit mundane , but remember this is not a mundane film featuring generic villains - this is a film where Matalan clothes racks are providing the stunts . As it transpires the bad guys are a combination of Iranians and Russians who want to destroy America and Israel . Make no mistake here - I'm not saying it's Iranian and Russian terrorists who are behind it but the Iranian and Russian governments . Considering a lot of Chechens can testify that the Russian government isn't exactly pro-Muslim why would the Russians and Iranians be in cahoots with one another ? It also ignores the fact that as many as one million Israelis were born in Russia or are first generation Russians though to be fair Israel has been a friend for people wanting to escape Russia rather than a friend of Russia itself so I guess we can ignore this plot turn . What is more difficult to ignore is the factual errors such as the Israeli premier stating "Israel gave up land for peace during the Reagan administration" Hmmm If he's referring to Israel giving the Sinai Peninsula back to Egypt then this took place in 1979 when Begin and his Likud party was in power and Carter was US president but I guess there isn't too many Democrat party members working on this movie and leads me to wonder how much else is factually wrong ? But it's not really a film where you're supposed to think for yourself but anything film that has a pair of jeans steal every scene it's in can't be all bad . Can it ?