Have seen 4 serials that can be called "cult" ones: "Thunder in Paradise", "Twin Peaks", "Interny", and this one - "Shkola". All these four are not just good, they are excellent. "Excellent" means this: when you watch them, you really feel for the characters, you really care, and you want the series to go on and on
"Shkola" has quite a few of interesting characters who behave in a most groovy, rowdy or stupid way. The present life is depicted in bawdy but realistic colours. Remember watching "Beverly Hills 90210" once, and of course the impression was radically different. If you like your cinema only cosy-rosy, soft, warm, romantic, smoothed-out, pathetic, and friendly in a childish innocent way, stay far away from this serial. You will be upset or even foam and faint in front of the TV-set. But if you enjoy rough, uncouth realism with the doltish true-to-life characters, who just happen to be all in one place, all in one movie, then this is for you. You don't have to wait long till one of the characters brings havoc or goes berserk: it happens every 10 minutes. A very smart move of the director was her use of mostly unknown actors. Actors with big names would have ruined the documentary feel of the reel. And truly enjoy the jerky camera handling and wild angles. Often the faces look so disproportional and uncomfortably ugly (sometimes it adds a hysterical effect to the action)...
It is to be viewed attentively and without long gaps (personally watched it almost every evening – usually a couple of parts at once). You will notice how the characters' lives are changing in strict accordance with their previous misdeeds. The effects of their own behaviour get into sight vividly. Don't know if it had been planned by the director beforehand – perhaps it just turned out like that in the final product (in one of Nelson Algren's books this phenomenon was explained). To me this topic is not something exotic. Being a teacher by first profession quite agree with those who say that in reality the things can get much worse than in this serial. Just one scene to back it up. In the movie the headmistress comes up to the "neo-Nazi" Bagira and tells her to quit smoking and leave the school. There are words shot from both sides. Just words. In reality in a similar situation in our school the female teacher (she was also the school manager) was punched in the face and had to lead classes with a big bruise under her eye.
Have read a few bad things about Valeriya Gay Germanika. Even if it's all true, it doesn't mean anything. Do happy, stylish, rich, and successful people need to make realistic movies that show human hearts agonizing in pain of the modern world? Very unlikely. They'd rather make "Smativai udochki", "Machete", and other blockbuster trash/remakes/etc.
It is not entertainment. And it never adds more scandal than needed. Rough sex is not shown. Blood sprays are not shown. There is no stupid and overused these days slow-mo. There are almost no taboo words. And no nakedness "to spice it up". If you are looking for this material, go get something like "Ken/South Park" or "MILF".
And of course this movie is for adults only. And to know Russian is essential. To know very well that is.
A very peculiar drama without even the slightest tint of glam but with bitter taste and dark atmosphere, not to everybody's liking to be sure, but quite monumental and groundbreaking. Give it a 9 out of 10. Thank you for attention.