This is one of those movies you just have to keep watching to at least appreciate it. It might be difficult for some people because it might feel tedious because of how it portrays life in a depressing manner. Maybe a lot of the audiences that watch this movie didn't go through the drastic and hurtful situations these characters go through. But it shows a bit of truth in a quite manner to what goes around behind closed doors. And how life isn't all sunshine and rainbows and it can get pretty darn depressing at times. How sometimes bad things can happen to innocent people. This movie shows despair and sadness of three female characters each having their own story. One is about incest, the other is about a lady that has it hard and is very lonesome. The last one got to me the most, it's about a teenage girl that is basically forced to be with another family and gets raped by the stepfather. You just can't help but feel sorry for that character, because she is sweet and innocent but is put in a terrible situation far from her real parents. Anyways her story stood out the most and it's sad that she gets victimize like that. She would have been better being by herself. This is one of those movies that the more you watch it gets more engaging and you just can't look away but finish.