An amusing TV series sees British comedian and wit Paul Merton travel around Europe in a series reminiscent of Eurotrash, without that series' knowing camp but with a general ignorance of things continental as is wont of Englanders who haven't travelled much.
Any prejudices of Germany as humourless, boring or fascistic were instantly removed the moment he arrived and by everybody he met there, and with good reason. Even I had to chuckle at the "Appelsaft" shouting anti-fascist demonstrators, and next time I'm in Germany I want to do some "nacktivist" stuff too (nudist activities such as bowling and hiking - the only stuff I got to do recently was just the sex) or just stay in a prison converted into a hotel, with guard/staff as optional extra. The beer tub treatment for your skin (and a kip in the hay after) had to be seen to be believed and wouldn't miss being appealing to any beer-swilling Brits.
Not sure whether the rest of the series will live up to the marvellous fun in Germany, but I'm willing to be surprised too.