I had a chance to see this interesting, experimental movie written and directed by Christopher L. Golon.
The movie is about a girl named Ashley Sweet who works as an adult film actress and she meets and lives with an abusive boyfriend. They both live and work in Los Angeles. This film is disturbing with a dark tone that seems to pervade almost every frame of its run time.
What is especially intriguing is the choice made by Golon to have half of the movie in color and half in black & white. It sets a tone that makes the imagery very eye appealing. Spme of the shots of downtown LA are very cool and overall the choice of locations and angles makes this a very good viewing experience.
Rachel Frank as Ashley is very good and Matthew Corbett Davis plays a good heel. The supporting actors fit their roles perfectly. What also stands out is the solid soundtrack by some great artists.
Cahuenga Pass is a very ambitious film and visually exciting. Check it out!