First of all I must say, I live in Hawaii, where this film takes place. I'm not 100% sure if the whole thing is real or not, but I don't care!
I watched this movie with my girlfriend on my couch in the comforts of my own home. I am a huge horror fan, not just a gore hound, though I do enjoy some good gore f/x from time to time, but I love a good scare and a GOOD STORY most of all!...which both together, are really hard to come by.
Films that have scared me often lack in the story telling arena.
And let me just say THIS FILM HAD IT ALL!
This film is a lot like Blair Witch, Paranormal, Cloverfield in the use of the home camera, but the way in which the David Hall character in approached his situation is the most realistic and believable I have ever seen. The characters in the movie are like normal people, not Hollywood types. The acting is amazing (if it is acting???) And the David Hall character is SO fun and likable.
Thats why I'm not sure if this is real or fake. It all seems SO real. Plus there have been stories going around on the island about the David Hall kid for two years now.
On top of all of this the David S Hall YouTube account REALLY EXISTS!!!! And it is so crazy to be able to watch the movie then go browse the Youtube channel which has a lot more content. You can even dig deeper.
And the website and phone number to call about helping find David is real too!
If this is fake, this is the most ingenious incredibly done film I have ever seen.
If it is real (which I'm leaning towards that) it is still incredible the way they cut the film directly from his Youtube channel and the way they decided to tell the story.
DAY OF DISAPPEARANCE is the film to watch at home with as few people and distractions as possible. It's groundbreaking as far as found footage films go. I applaud the filmmakers for sending some chills down my spine and giving me a great new horror to love. Thank you.