This film proved to be an unexpected gem. Initially drawn to the movie by the sight of Jeremy London, famed for his role in "Mallrats," donning a wig and wielding a guitar, my curiosity was piqued. This intrigue was not in vain, as "Open" turned out to be a killer movie with equally killer songs.
The film tells the story of a woman struggling in her marriage, who becomes enamored with a former teen idol, portrayed compellingly by London. His character, once a celebrated figure, has seen better days in the industry, adding a layer of depth to the narrative. The standout feature of this film is its clever use of hallucinatory sequences where the protagonist imagines herself as the frontwoman of an 80's New Wave Band. These moments are not only visually stunning but also serve as powerful metaphors for her internal struggles and aspirations.
Jeremy London delivers what might be the performance of his career in this film. While I have always admired his work in "Mallrats" and am still hopeful for a "Mallrats 2," his portrayal in "Open" brings a new level of depth and nuance. The film itself is a delightful blend of drama, romance, and a nostalgic journey through the music of a bygone era. It's an emotional ride, with the music and visuals complementing the storyline beautifully, making Open not just a movie but an experience. For anyone looking for a film that combines great acting, an engaging story, and memorable music, Open is a must-watch.