Basically that's it...
What a fantastic, totally suspenseful, and extremely well executed idea. As my title suggests, THIS is what can be done with very little and just some intelligent writing, smart direction, and outstanding acting.
Not giving anything away, but the core of the story is so good that quite honestly even without the tangential Supernatural aspect, it STILL would have been a great film. But, it does add a nice touch to the way things work out.
I haven't seen a movie done this well with pretty much only two characters and one VERY limited location that was so damn suspenseful and effective. That is a testament to the skill involved in putting together and pulling off something that is this powerful. YES, it is overall fairly simple, YES there is not a lot of 'Action' and stuff that many people need to keep their attention. BUT... what there is in my lowly and wretched opinion is an excellent demonstration of what can be done with a LOT of talent and not much else. This kind of quality I feel is quite rare these days.
I must also again stress how bloody GREAT the acting is. Particularly the fellow, but both do their job very well indeed. The expressiveness of the guy's eyes is just amazing. The way he conveys so many different moods and attitudes, just with his eyes, and in a VERY believable and effective way.
This movie is definitely better than the tepid 5.x rating is has now, oh yes... This kind of quality, whether you like this kind of story or not, is clearly evident. That is why I rated this film a strong and well deserved '8'
If you like movies with a simple setting, but with good, strong suspense, and you don't mind your Horror strongly character driven, you should indeed really appreciate this story as much as I did.