This is a story of two Iraqi brothers who were orphaned by Saddam's regime. They strive to go to America in order to find Superman.
"Bekas" may look cute in the trailer, but it is in fact a heartbreaking drama. The two young boys live in this harsh land, both geographically, politically. They have no money to live on, and are constantly bullied and even beaten up by other villagers. In order to survive, the older brother gives the younger brother a glimmer of hope by saying that they will go to America to find Superman. As the story unfolds, there is more heart wrenching incidents. What I find the saddest is the older brother's ulterior motive in what appeared to be a white lie. It is so sad that a bottle of Coca Cola is the closest they will get to experiencing the United States.
"Bekas" reminded me of Steinbeck's literary classic "Of Mice and Men" and the award winning film "No Man's Land". The plot is simple and yet engaging, touching many heart strings along the way. I hope "Bekas will get more widely seen and recognised, as it deserves to be.