Yep. Here we go again. Since apparently dedicating his life to spoofing other peoples movies, it's only natural that Chris Seaver would finally get around to doing something like this. This being a sorta-spoof of I Spit On Your Grave, as well as other Exploitation revenge flicks from the 70's. But mainly just inept 70's B-cinema. And I gotta point out, it's about time. If you're already familiar with Seaver's super-cheesy, silly-as-all-hell, LBP flicks, then you'll most likely assume that you'll know what to expect, going into this. Don't be so sure.
Of course, there's still more than enough wacky voices, stupid hair, and inspired LBP-ness to go around, considering most of the 58 minutes consists of Leo DeChamp running his mouth. Played by the now legendary Josh Suire, Leo DeChamp (from Terror At Blood Fart Lake fame) has just won the lottery. Unfortunately for Leo, it'll be all down hill from here. A warlock pimp, or something similar, has just ordered his gang of vicious prostitutes to rape this random guy that they seemingly don't even know. That's right. Leo's gonna get it. And it ain't gonna be purdy. And if you're wondering about an actual story, or any other reasons to watch, that's pretty much it. Wackiness, silliness, pointlessness and rape!
Personally, I would have enjoyed this film a lot more if Seaver had got Suire to play Caspian instead of Leo. There's no telling how this thing would have played out.
Seaver & the gang refrained from putting their names (or the LBP name) on the credits. Considering that's the first time this has happened, is hilarious beyond words. I assume it was mostly a joke, in an attempt to spoof the old school stuff. Although, on the audio commentary, Seaver states that nobody was really comfortable with using their real names on something that makes light of rape.
I Spit Chew On Your Grave isn't exactly my favorite of the LBP epics, as it's way too short, it's clearly less thought-out than his "normal" stuff, and to be blunt, Leo DeChamp is annoying. But most of all, I Spit Chew On Your Grave should have been better, considering who directed it. However, this film was directed by Chris Seaver, who I consider to be the one micro-budgeted filmmaker that has defined the last decade, whether people know it yet, or not. To me, the Seavage is Ed Wood, John Waters and Lloyd Kaufman rolled into one. So, now that I've made my passion and loyalty for LBP perfectly clear, I should probably point out that there is absolutely no chance of me giving this film less than a 10/10. Which is a good indication that you may not want to take this review as seriously as you first intended. Unless you're a crazy person. In that case, LBP is for you, friend. If you're not all that keen on modern Z-grade spoofs of old school B-grade Exploitation, and if you firmly believe that there is no such thing as a rape-comedy, then there's most likely nothing I could say to convince you that I Spit Chew On Your Grave isn't as irritating as it sounds. In that case, sounds like someone's been wasting their time.
In the last month, there has been a tragic death in the B-movie universe. As of February, LBP is no more. Gone forever. Instead of going into exactly how big of a loss this is, I will simply bring to your attention, the light at the end of the tunnel...
In 2011, we should be seeing the emergence of unreleased LBP epics, such as the Mulva remake (which will be the last LBP), Geek War, Moist Fury, Filthy McNasty 4, among others. Ladies and gentlemen. It has also been made official. Troma has finally agreed to release the lost LBP epic, Teenape vs.The Monster Nazi Apocalypse. What took them so long is a mystery to me, but it is happening!! And most importantly, just because LBP is no more, doesn't mean the B-movie world is safe from Chris Seaver and his gang of misfits. In one form or another, LBP will live on. As long as Seavage is mentally-unstable, and as long he's got friends willing "do all that", Seaver will be rubbing normal people the wrong way for years to come. Not to mention, making us crazy people laugh. But what can I say? I just get it. 10/10