This game was okay, it just needed a bit of simplifying. What I mean by that is that you progress through most of the game no problem, then near the end you have to do a lot of grinding for experience. Even with a huge boost to your level the final few bosses and levels are rather infuriating. I am sure though that many others who have played this game have gotten by with no trouble, some people are just better at these types of games than some. The combat is sort of the strategy role playing format. You have a board, you position your characters and you try to eliminate the bad guys. You may also have other objectives on the board as well, such as saving a certain person or things of that nature. You have your main characters including the hero of the game you name along with others, then you have demons that you either buy at auction or fuse together. Fusing of course is always going to be around in a game in this series as are the demons, as many of them you will recognize from previous games. The fighting is a bit bland and is what holds the game back. The only thing that makes this game a positive experience is the story which held my interest. Basically, Tokyo is under lock down and it is up to you and your friends to figure out why. You know something is dreadfully wrong when demons begin to appear, but thankfully you are giving devices called comps which allow you and your friends to combat then ensnare the demons and make them work for you. If only they had worked on the battling a bit this game could have been really fun, but as it is it runs to long and the battling is at first to simplistic, then to hard.