This is a 15 minute subtitled short film, by Bengali filmmaker Indranil Bannerjee. Indranil contacted me to review the film, which i was very happy to do. I will do my best to be completely honest, as I always am with my reviews.
It is a simple story of a man called Subho, visiting his aged father, and the relationship between the two of them. The film was, like a lot of short films of this type, made with a small budget. But for this film that small budget feel worked really well.
We have all had moments with our families where tensions run high, and emotions break out. This is what the film is about. Family struggles arise often when there has been a death, and sometimes it was only that person that held the fights at bay. Subho's mother has recently passed away, and his father is clearly struggling with physical impairments. Resentments, long held back, come to the fore between the two men.
This is a simple, close, film shot almost entirely in a small apartment. The location adds to the tense moments between the two characters. It highlights the sometimes suffocating nature of family relationships. The script is straightforward, with some very terse moments and, honestly, there were a couple of moments where i said to myself "Ooh, I can't believe you said that!"
All in all it's a good little film and, despite the small budget, it has already won numerous awards. The actors are utterly believable, and the story is really relatable. Is it good movie? Yes. Is it for everybody? Probably not. I know some would be put off by the low budget look, and some by it being subtitled, but for me it was worth the watch. Im happy to give it a 6.5/10.