I love Constantine. He's one of my favorite DC characters, and there's far too little of him beyond the comics and graphic novels. They finally had a good start with the live action series, but then they stupidly cancelled it. In true DC fashion they followed with 3 animated films that centered on him and were even better. But then the animated movies went in a different, and not so great, direction with nothing more with Constantine. Not that I don't like the other characters when the stories are good, but lately the animated universe has been kind of hit or miss. This, however, felt like a short return to both Constantine and the better animated storylines. This is, however, a short that is part of a series of other unrelated shorts. The run time for this segment is about the same or less than animated series eps. And while some shorts are stand alone, this is a continuation, so you have to have seen at least JL Dark Apocalypse for it to make sense. But as part of that story, it's an excellent contribution to the DC animated verse. Matt Ryan, who so perfectly embodies Constantine, continues in the role, and the tone and style are similar. But it's just a tantalizing glimpse of what's happening with Constantine and a brief peek into the Spectre. I'm hoping this means they'll be continuing with more follow up from JL Dark Apocalypse and specifically with more of Constantine's story. This is good for what it is, but we need more.