"Kathal" is a satirical comedy that delicately delivers powerful messages, particularly targeting the patriarchal ecosystem and caste-divided Bharat. The story revolves around a lost jackfruit and the police's efforts to solve the crime, highlighting how influential politicians often mock the system. Sanya Malhotra portrays Mahima Basor, a delightful character who is passionate about her job, strong, independent, and tender-hearted, as seen in her romantic moments with a constable from an upper caste. Despite addressing numerous societal issues, the movie maintains a light-hearted tone, which contributes to its overall success. Bijaya Raj and his uncle's Hong breed kathal (jackfruit) serve as the focal point of the story. Rajpal Yadav shines in his role as a journalist, while the other performances are average.
Although the movie follows the template set by "Peepli Live," it fails to deliver the final punch and falls flat during the climax. Overall, the movie is enjoyable, except for the climax, which could have been more impactful.