Released by an ancient incantation, a rageful horde of reanimated dead Ninja perpetrate a bloody suburban rampage with only cornball collegiate Doofi to stop them from world domination!!!! Ninja Zombies is a predictably silly, mostly fun no-budget Zom-splatter dorkfest. If the splendidly catchy title of 'Ninja Zombies', and it all it luridly suggests, has any appeal, then you might just appreciate this shambling Slop socky chunkblower. That being said, if the title Ninja Zombies, and all that it luridly suggests has no such appeal, then Ninja Zombies is resolutely not for you, dude!
Played strictly for goofy, gore-laden laffs, the crude filmmaking, rudimentary FX, and enthusiastically amateurish performances are all manifestly part of Ninja Zombies aggressively Tromaesque allure! Hey!!!!! Speaking of Troma, the legendary scion of sleazy splatter unleashes a colourfully Gun-ho cameo! I watched this based upon the notably goofy merits of its subjectively mirthsome trailer, which, is, quite frequently, an entirely risky business. I frequently found Cooper's jocular chop sloppy Ninja nerdquake's relentless dorkiness remarkably refreshing, but I can appreciate other's finding it monumentally irksome.