Manoj Bajpayee in an interview said that he is very proud of this movie and I can attest to the fact that this is a wonderful movie with beautiful performances, music and vibes.
If you are craving for a movie that's somewhat thematically similar to Kapoor & Sons or Monsoon Wedding, this would fit right in there and yet Gulmohar creates its own space for itself though it's not new.
I loved the performances by every cast member and it felt natural. The music was amazing and it elevated the scenes and the emotions that were being portrayed.
It's not a perfect movie. There are some elements which feel they were not necessary to the screenplay or maybe seemed a bit forced to attract the Gen-Z audience to Disney+ Hotstar especially the storylines with the 2 Batra kids. But Suraj and Utsavi acted well.
I first thought this could be some psychological thriller looking at the poster but it was actually a emotionally heavy feel good movie. I would definitely recommend to watch this film!