I lived in denver in the 80s so I was curious what this was about since I never heard of this area or 'the holly'. And what it's about, I still don't know as I couldn't threw the whole film w/o tapping out. Sure, I heard of the bloods and crypts and the latin kings and so on and I remember the 80s but just because you grow up poor doesn't mean you join a gang or turn activist and raise money or start a program. Don't have a clue where that comes from. The scene where they interview these young black men on the street. They're not like anyone I ever met in denver or anyone else but they're definitely young men I wouldn't hire to mow my lawn either. You can't live the gang life and expect you get rewarded with a white collar career and they're not products of their neighborhoods but products of themselves and brain washing by the media. Same goes for anyone claiming to be an activist. The road to h is paved with good intentions. I didn't get to the gentrification part but that's part of capitalism. When I lived in dc, I was frequently taking a subway at potomac ave and I saw gentrification first hand. At night, looks like some scary urban street scene from a scorsese film. During the day, look close because the people with money moving into these brownstones and turning them over have the best doors. You won't see them in the neighborhood like shopping or anything but you can tell by the door it's secure and expensive and baricaded behind there are people with money. And they're not all white like the media makes them out to be and they are not tearing down the neighborhood; they don't want to be part of the neighborhood but they want is a box they can afford that belongs to them and nobody else. American home ownership and making money is what it's all about. With all that the black power movement every spouted, what did they ever do to advance that for black people or even reduce black on black crime.