This isn't a film. Rather, it's a collection of rather uninteresting vignettes, all of them focused around an unpleasantly self-centred middle-aged Frenchwoman who happens to be visiting South Korea. Unfortunately, this means we're back in the world of low-budget filmmaker Hong Sang-Soo, whose previous films THE DAY HE ARRIVES and OKI'S MOVIE I've watched. I didn't like either of them, finding them pretentious, but this is even worse.
There's no story here whatsoever, just a trio of three short stories that are almost identical stylistically. Isabelle Huppert's protagonist is one of the most uninspiring I've seen in film, a woman who wanders around looking for self-gratification, boozing and smoking all the while. It becomes tiring after about five minutes. The characters she meets are equally self-absorbed, although the twist is that as she's foreign we have to put up with a ton of poorly-spoken English dialogue instead of the usual Korean language. Inevitably the shadows of sex, adultery, and alcoholism raise their head, but it's all so, well, pointless, I can't believe they bothered to make it.