This is an interesting film, it's the first of its kind in Brazil (horror/mockumentary) and it delivers what it sets out to do, which is take the audience on a roller-coaster ride. Its not the scariest movie (it has a audience rating age 14), but it has its doses of panic and pure agony. The film reflects and depicts with accuracy the young hip Brazilian culture and it makes fun of it, as do many horror films.
Its not a Hitchcock movie, and it could not be as it was shot "Blair Witch" style for under $25 thousand and went from concept to screen in less then a year. But it should not be dismissed either as it has earned its place in the Brazilian film history books.
The director and crew should be hailed for taking the risk and making a film without the help of government money (99% of films in Brazil are shot with soft - government money) and for exploring the horror genre, something forgotten by young Brazilian filmmakers.
Audience reactions have been mixed as the film was part of a large transmidia project (also a first for a Brazilian film) that ran for a year on the web prior to the release of the movie. Due to this fact older and more cinematic audiences did not understand the full implication of the film. Younger audiences have approved the film and haild it as the film that will kick start horror films in Brazil. Released theatrically on 12/09/2011.